Jobs in the Jenkins continuous integration software can be configured to link SCM commit details to a repository browser. Unfortunately the Subversion plugin (and perhaps all the SCM options) only allows one repository browser for all SVN repos in a given job ( My project uses two svn repos, Core and Rind, so this limitation, of course, poses an inconvenience.

Luckily, I was able to find a solution that works for my project. I noticed that the current Core revision numbers are in the 10K range and the Rind revisions are in the 50K range. Ah ha!, an opportunity for an Apache Rewrite rule.

I chose WebSVN for the repository browser and installed the WebSVN2 plugin (the WebSVN bundled with Jenkins is for the WebSVN 1.x series). For the browser URL configuration I used a fake repname (TBD) in the query string.

and then used the following Apache RewriteRules to redirect to the proper repo in WebSVN based on the revision number.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} repname=TBD&(.*)rev=([1234]\d{4,4})
  RewriteRule ^(.+)$ $1?repname=GUS&%1rev=%2 [R,L,NE]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} repname=TBD&(.*)rev=([56789]\d{4})
  RewriteRule ^(.+)$ $1?repname=ApiDB&%1rev=%2 [R,L,NE]

That is, if the rev number matches a number between 10000 and 49999 then redirect to the Core repo in WebSVN. If rev number matches a number over 50000 then redirect to the Rind repo.

In both cases the Rewrite depends on the repname being TBD so we do not trigger rewrites when normally browsing WebSVN.

This scheme depends on conditions and assumptions that happen to fit our project:

– We only care about current and future revisions (>10000). That’s ok, Jenkins will not need to link to revisions that predate this setup.

– Rind will always get more commits than Core such that Core revisions will always lag behind Rind revisions. This has been the case for the past 6 years, I don’t expect it to change.

– Core revisions will not exceed 49999 for the life of this Rewrite. If it does (unlikely, it’s taken 6 years to get to the 10K range) we can update the rules.

Obviously this is not a suitable solution for everyone.


I initially started with sventon behind an Nginx proxy before deciding that WebSVN was going be easier for me to maintain in the long run (simply due to my system infrastructure and experience, not due to any complaint against sventon). For the record, this is where I was heading with the Nginx rewrite rules. I did not follow through with testing so I do not know if it works as is, but perhaps it’s a starting point for someone.

if ($request_uri ~ "revision=(.+)" ) {
  set $revision $1;

if ($revision ~ "[1234]\d{4}") {
  rewrite ^$revision?;
if ($revision ~ "[56789]\d{4}") {
  rewrite ^$revision?;